The device has integrated current limiting, low-pass filtering, and channel serialization. The input current limit allows a significant reduction in power consumption compared to the conventional discrete resistor divider that achieves the supply from the excitation voltage. The optional on-chip low-pass filter allows flexible application based sensor output debounce and filtering. The on-chip serialization allows a drastic reduction in the number of optocouplers used for isolation. Any number of input channels can be serialized and output can only be serialized via a SPI-compatible device. Serialization is stackable. This reduces the need for only three optocouplers, regardless of the number of input channels.
Relative to high-frequency noise and fast electrical transients for enhanced robustness, a multi-bit CRC code is generated and each 8-bit data is transmitted through the SPI port. The on-chip 5V voltage regulator can be used for external power supplies, digital isolators, optocouplers or other external 5V circuits. In ultra-low power applications, Maxim offers a pin-compatible version and the MAX31910 uses patent-pending technology to achieve further Reduced power consumption, input current limit alone, anything possible. The next-generation versions of the MAX31910 and MAX31911 will include energy LED drivers while remaining pin-compatible.
On-Grid Inverter converts DC power to AC power for feeding back to the grid. The frequency of the output voltage of the grid-connected inverter needs to be the same as the grid frequency (50 or 60Hz), which is generally achieved by the oscillator in the machine, and the output voltage will also be limited not to exceed the grid voltage. Modern high-quality grid-connected inverters can have an output power factor of 1, which means that the output voltage and current phases are the same, and the phase difference between them and the grid voltage is within 1 degree. There is a microprocessor in the inverter that can sense the AC waveform of the grid, and according to this waveform, generate voltage and send it back to the grid. However, the electricity sent back to the grid needs to have a certain proportion of reactive power, so that the power of the nearby grid is within the allowable limit. noon) its voltage may rise too high.
If the power of the grid is cut off, the grid-connected inverter needs to be disconnected from the grid quickly. This is a regulation of the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the United States to ensure that when the grid is out of power, the grid-connected inverter will not provide power to the grid, and at this time the workers who maintain the grid will not be electrocuted.
Properly configured, grid-tie inverters allow a home to use alternative energy sources that it generates itself (such as solar or wind power) without cumbersome wiring and without the need for batteries. If there is insufficient alternative energy, the insufficient part will still be provided by electricity from the grid.
Grid-connected inverters are widely used in household photovoltaic power generation systems, commercial and industrial photovoltaic power plants and other scenarios. By connecting to the grid, they help to achieve efficient use of renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions, promoting sustainable development and popularization of clean energy.
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