ADUM4152 Reference Design Circuit | Dedicated Isolator Application Circuit

The ADuM4151/ADuM4152/ADuM4153 are 5kV rms, 7-channel SPIsolatorTM digital isolators optimized for the Isolated Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). (The 3.75kV rms model is available). Based on Analog Devices' iCoupler® chip-scale transformer technology, these devices feature low propagation delay in CLK, MO/SI, MI/SO, and SS SPI bus signals to support SPI clock rates up to 17 MHz. These channels operate with 14 ns propagation delay and 1 ns jitter to optimize timing for SPI.

Main features of ADUM4152:

1. Supports SPI clock speeds up to 17 MHz

2, 4 high speed, low propagation delay, SPI signal isolation channel

3. Three 250 kbps data channels

4, 20-pin SOIC_IC package with creepage distance of 8.3 mm

5, the working temperature can reach up to: 125 ° C

6. High common mode transient immunity: >25 kV/μs

ADUM4152 featured applications:

1. Industrial programmable logic controller (PLC)

2, sensor isolation

ADUM4152 internal structure circuit:

/></p><p> Figure 1: Internal Block Diagram of ADUM4152</p><p>ADUM4152 Chinese Data Sheet: Immediate View</p><p>ADUM4152 More Reference Design and Source Codes Download: </p> </div> <div class="tech-detail-share"> <!-- Baidu Button BEGIN --> <div class="bdsharebuttonbox"> <a href="#" Class="bds_qzone" data-cmd="qzone" title="Share to QQ space"></a> <a href="#" class="bds_tsina" data-cmd="tsina" title="Share to Sina Weibo"></a> <a href="#" class="bds_weixin" data-cmd="weixin" title="Share to WeChat"></a> <span>Share to:</span> < /div> <script>window._bd_share_config = { "common": { "bdSnsKey": {}, "bdText": "", "bdMini": "1", "bdMiniList": false, "bdPic": "" , "bdStyle": "2", "bdSize": "16" }, "share": {} }; with (document) 0[(getElementsByTagName(

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